The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1923) - Limited Edition Blu-Ray Sold Out

The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1923) - Limited Edition Blu-Ray

Dhs. 169.00 Dhs. 152.10 10%


Victor Hugo's classic novel, Klokkeren fra Notre Dame, has been filmed in many ways - even Disney has written it in the 1923 version.


Victor Hugo's classic novel, Klokkeren fra Notre Dame, has been filmed in many ways - even Disney has written it in the 1923 version. The dog is very mind-boggling, it has a formidable performance by Lon Chaney in the title roles of Quasimodo, who has a brilliant make-up effect, the stadig holder in that day.

Histories following novels: The pukkelryggede Quasimodo har siden sin fødsel boet in Notre Dame-kirken, before han work som klokker under the strict præst Frollos opsyn. This is what Quasimodo has to say to her beautiful Esmeralda, as she has done so. Imens begynder utilfredsheden i byen at blusse op.